The riftbreaker survival mode
The riftbreaker survival mode

the riftbreaker survival mode

I like "travelling" to the other biomes & setting multiple bases. Originally posted by Sweaty Gopher:I was more hoping for a campaign mode with a never ending difficulty increase and no missions.

the riftbreaker survival mode

Great work on the game! Found the Doom Slayer mech skin.


Like those floating magnetic rocks in the Volcanic area, I didn't get the dialogue about how to destroy them UNTIL I had already looked it up and found out how to do it and destroyed a few. The only other thing I noticed was during the campaign, sometimes I didn't receive instructions/information on how to do certain things until I already did them. That's great to hear! That's really the only issue I had with this game, it seems to excel at everything else. It is going to take some time to implement, but I want to assure you that we know about the issue and are working on it. A couple of days ago we had a design meeting during which we have come up with a plan for Survival 2.0 - a much more balanced and compelling version of the game mode. You're not the only one, and we are aware that this mode needs more work and polish. Originally posted by voidreaver:Hey! I'm sorry that Survival Mode didn't live up to your expectations. I just don't understand what I'm doing wrong, I will have to go through trial and error on easy mode to see what I can improve on, but at the moment, the description for the difficulty is inaccurate to the experience being given.

the riftbreaker survival mode

This is a kind of difficulty I expect from Brutal. Nah, you gotta master the game to even tackle Normal Survival mode. "provides a fair challenge to players that are 'NEW' to The Riftbreaker" I don't think it should be THIS difficult on NORMAL difficulty.


I was able to complete the tropical lands on Normal, but the acid plains just destroys me during the second wave, I don't have any way to defending myself as my gun runs out of ammo, my turrets lose power, I lack the resources to build more walls or upgrade the HQ or even build an armory. I often get overwhelmed with too much right at the start, using techniques that make the campaign a cake-walk, do not work here. I'm good at micro-managing and considering the right resources first, can completely slay my friends in other RTS games, but in Survival, none of that matters.Įven playing on normal. I'm not new to RTS, I would say I'm average at them.

The riftbreaker survival mode